About KSO


"Our mission is to represent the Korean community and strengthen its voice on (and beyond) campus and to bring together those who have a common interest in Korean culture through social activities and events."

Founded in 1976, the Korean Students Organization (KSO) is a registered student organization at the University of Chicago. Since then, we have grown tremendously and boast having more than 100 active undergraduate and graduate members each year. Setting a precedent in 1980, we hosted the first culture show on campus and have since established an annual KSO tradition for the past 46 years.


Our mission is to represent the Korean community and strengthen its voice on (and beyond) campus and to bring together those who have a common interest in Korean culture through social activities and events. Additionally, we seek to extend an open dialogue between a diverse range of ethnic groups in order to establish a positive relationship for the whole of the University community. Finally, we hope to spread awareness of the Korean culture to the entire student body by sponsoring various University-wide events. Our constitution may be found here.


For more information about KSO, please join the KSO listhost. If you have further questions, feel free to contact any of the board members. Also feel free to come out to an event even if you have not attended any of the previous events or joined the listhost.